Ryan Hall LE 100

Ryan Hall LE100 1_275  WM..jpg
Ryan Hall LE100 1_275  WM..jpg

Ryan Hall LE 100


12” x 15”

Limited Edition print of 100 on deep canvas, signed numbered and remarked. Ready to hang.

Ryan Hall, a gift from philanthropist Shirley W. Ryan, is famous for so much but in brevity listing only these: Wheelchair Basketball, Caring Cats Clothing Collection to benefit St. Vincent de Paul Society of St. Joseph County, and my niece Kathleen Hull moved in September 2009, the inaugural year of the residence. Because of Kathleen’s insider knowledge, we know the first three years of Ryan's existence, most people on campus simply called it "The Hotel," believing we had they had the best of everything. Now they are the Wildcats, a nod to the Ryan’s affiliation with Northwestern. I’m definitely wanting to crash the famous ice cream socials on Tuesdays (with chaplain Fr. Joe), Waffle Mass on Wednesdays, light-night jam sessions on the piano in the chapel. With two Ryan Hall nieces, I’m feeling entitled!

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